无锡市纵横机电配件有限公司地处经济发达,交通便利的无锡太湖之滨一无锡。本公司专业生产Y2(YB2)系列、YX3(YB3)系列、YE4(YBX4)系列、YEJ及特殊专用系列的电机风罩,产品从80-355为一次成型全拉伸风罩,年产量100多万只 ,目前已同佳木斯电机股份有限公司,卧龙南阳防爆电机集团, 江苏锡安达防爆股份有限公司,安徽皖南电机股份有限公司等全国50多家企业合作配套。我司顺利通过I0S9001质量管理体系认证,这标志着我司质量管理体系在标准化、规范化、程序化方面迈上新台阶,为公司的长远稳步发展奠定了坚实基础。我厂一贯经营理念是一切客户至上,欢迎新老朋友使用,推荐我公司产品,互惠互利,共创美好明天。
Wuxi zongheng mechanism & electricity fittings Co., Ltd locate in shore of Taihu-Wuxi, having developed economy and convenient traffic.
Our company product Y series, Y2 series, YB series, YB2 series electromotor fan housing professional, from 80-355 armor plate base of explosion proof machine. The company has the production capacity of one million pcs and cooperated with more than fifty enterprises which are famous in China, Xian Electromotor Company, Chongqing Electromotor Company, Wuxi Anda blast shelter electromotor group etc.
Based on the principle of mutual benefit "quality first, service first, credit first" client is the first, the company looks forward to cooperation in business with you.